Fall 2024 deadline: November 22, 2024
Spring 2025 deadline: March 28, 2025
Share all compelling #USvsHate messages locally to shape school climate. This is a crucial part of #USvsHate.
Students and teachers are sharing messages locally on school walls, bulletin boards, websites, and T-shirts, via gallery walks, and in assemblies to highlight live speeches or presentations. Document your sharing on social media, using the #USvsHate hashtag! This helps grow the “us” working against hate, bias, and injustice.
For a reminder of what we consider an “anti-hate” message, see our guide.
Submit your best to our national challenge via this form. ***In 2024-2025, you can also submit entries responding to our Special Call, where we invite students to weigh in on the inclusive teaching they want in schools. Use the same submission form, with the same challenge deadlines.
Teachers can submit 3 entries max per class, to each challenge! Youth can also submit directly on their own.
As you prepare to submit, remember:
- Educators: consider inviting students to help you select entries. One teacher set up a gallery walk allowing students to see and vote on one another’s work.
- Do not submit an entry that contains any student’s full name or school name. We amplify messages with first name, grade, and state only, or anonymously with grade and state. Take care that entries don’t contain other students’ names (e.g., as student interviews peers). If we cannot edit such information out, we will share the entry as is –or not use the entry.
- Plan ahead: For students under 18, parent/guardian permission is required for any entry submitted with a student’s name. You will verify that you have this permission when you upload your students’ entries, through one of the following options:
- Option 1: You upload a signed Parent/guardian permission slip [downloadable PDF].
- Option 2: You verify that you asked parents to sign our “DocuSign” version of this same permission slip. *Note that this will keep parent permissions in our records, but not in yours.
- (Students under 18 who submit for themselves must verify parent/guardian permission to share with a first name.)
- You can also indicate that you’re submitting an anonymous student submission. If permissions are unclear, we will share anonymously.
- The submission form will also invite students and teachers to explain the work and intentions behind messages in a “backstory,” either written or recorded. Plan ahead! We might publish backstories or portions of backstories online or in other #USvsHate products, like compilation videos or reports.
- Any message or backstory submitted must be ready to share publicly as is.
- When submitting, you are giving #USvsHate permission to use your submitted material in #USvsHate public materials like our posters/stickers, compilation videos, social media, reports, blog posts, etc., and to shorten/copyedit backstories for public sharing. You are also giving #USvsHate permission to let #USvsHate partner organizations reshare #USvsHate’s material to further amplify and celebrate the work.
To be considered for a “Winning” #USvsHate message, the message also must do the following:
- Include the hashtag #USvsHate. If you are submitting a message responding to our Special Call, add the additional hashtag #LetUsLearn.
- Be both creative and original. (Use original words and other material. Don’t plagiarize. A design could make a common slogan original, but our preference is new words and ideas. Do not use clips from music, videos, or other media that is copyrighted by others. If you use others’ publicly available material, credit the creator whenever possible.)
- Successfully communicate the #USvsHate message of inclusion and justice for all, to a group of peers.
No message submitted should be harmful or hateful to others.
How to upload using our form:
- Those submitting images can a) scan a paper submission or b) create the image digitally. You can submit messages like Op Eds, poems, or letters to the editor in Word. Upload documentation of art installations or performances. If you want to submit a paper submission and don’t have access to a scanner, you can upload a photograph of a piece of paper.
- If you win, we may ask you to mail us the original for reproduction.
- Again, any message submitted must be ready to share publicly as is.
Winning entries will be amplified nationally via our website and social media. A subset will be made into free posters and stickers for participating classrooms. Check out our latest winning messages!
Finally, take the most important next step: ask students and colleagues what they want to learn and do NEXT in your school community. Is there a next topic on the website that people want to explore? Could a favorite #USvsHate activity be taught every year? Who could join #USvsHate in a next round? Go for it! Return to our Getting Started tab for questions to ask students and adults, to figure out what’s next.

Questions? Contact micapollock@ucsd.edu.